Our mission

Over the last almost 30 years, the International Workshops on “Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism” (OIPE) have gained a worldwide reputation. The overall goal is to discuss recent developments in optimization and inverse methodologies and their applications in the design and operation of electromagnetic devices.

The workhop is intended to establish a regular forum where experts in electromagnetics and other areas (e.g. engineering, mathematics, physics), involved in research or industrial activities, can discuss on the theoretical aspects and on the technical relevance of optimization and inverse problems, in the general framework of the innovation in electromagnetic methods and applications.

The OIPE series was established in 1989 (Pavia, Italy) on the basis of the strategic importance of optimization and inverse problems in electromagnetic research. Among the guidelines of the OIPE philosophy a prominent role is given to the interdisciplinary aspects. In fact, researchers working in optimization and inverse problems in electromagnetism need quite complex and innovative mathematical tools. Therefore, the people who first established the OIPE workshops aimed at a deep, stable and interdisciplinary cooperation with other scientific communities.